Duty of the State President
from the ACDA Constitution & Bylaws Article , updated here
Section 1: The State President shall serve as the chief executive officer for the State and shall be responsible for the implementation of the ACDA activities in the State. They shall appoint R&R Coordinators and Chairs, newsletter editor, conference committee, and all other committee chairs for the State. They shall appoint a membership chair for the state.
Section 2: Each State President shall participate in meetings of the assembly of State Presidents at the 12 Region and National levels.
Section 3: The State President-Elect shall assist the President in the administration of the State Association and assume other duties as assigned by the State President.
Section 4: The State Past President shall serve as advisor to other State officers.
Section 5: The State Treasurer is appointed by the State President, whose term of office will coincide with that of the State President. A State Treasurer may be appointed or reappointed, upon review each time by the incoming State President. They shall manage the funds for all state operations in accordance with established fiscal policies. The State Treasurer is responsible for on-time coordination of payment of expenses and reporting to the National Office.
State President Elections
from the ACDA Constitution & Bylaws Article XV: Election Procedures, updated here
Section 7: Election of State Presidents-Elects shall be completed before February 1 of the year in which they assume office on July 1. The Past President shall convene a committee consisting of no fewer than two members of the State’s Past President’s Advisory council to present a slate of nominees for consideration to the State board for approval.
Section 8: Ballots of ACDA State, Region, and National elections shall include two nominees for each office.