The First Congregational Church of Scarborough was founded in 1728. We are
associated with the United Church of Christ. Our present Sanctuary was built in
- It has old wooden pews and was built with a classical wood interior which
helps give a fine acoustical advantage. The Church seats 150 people. It is one of
the oldest traditional New England Churches in Maine. The Congregation leans
toward Classical music and traditional Hymns, though it is receptive to other kinds
of music.
The Minister of Music is a part-time, salaried position of 10-15 hours per week.
The candidate must have a sense of calling to work with the Music Ministry and to
endeavor to bring excellence to the Church’s worship of God. This person reports
directly to the Pastor and works in collaboration with the Pastor and the Music
We have an active adult Choir of 7-9 people, who sing in the Sunday morning
Worship Service for the Academic Year. Our Handbell Choir comes together for
special Church celebrations, for example, Christmas and Easter. Our organ is a
two manual Austin Pipe Organ, built in 1979 in Hartford, CT.
We are a non-discriminatory Church and all applicants are welcome.
Personal and Professional Qualifications:
- Music Education or at least two years of experience directing congregational
worship and choral groups in Church worship settings, or similar experience. - Proficient keyboard skills, including piano and organ.
- Possess good people skills and organizational skills.
- Be a motivated, self-starter.
Job Responsibilities:
- Provide organ and piano music at all regularly scheduled Sunday services.
- Select appropriate music for each service, including choral, organ and piano
music. The Pastor selects the Hymns. - Provide music for up to five (5) additional services during the year
(dependent on Church calendar). This may include Christmas Eve (2 services
possible), Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, and up to one additional. - Direct and be responsible for the leadership of the Senior Choir at all
regularly scheduled Sunday morning services during the months of
September to June (start and dates determined by the Church calendar),
except the Sundays immediately following Christmas and Easter. In the
event of unplanned absences, the Minister of Music is responsible for
providing a substitute, paid for by the Church. - Rehearse twice weekly as needed with the Senior Choir from September to
June. Also responsible for the Handbell Choir and its Rehearsals when
needed. - Together with the Music Committee of the Ministry of Worship and Spiritual
Care, arrange for instrumentalists and/or vocalists for the two Sundays that
the Choir is not singing following Christmas and Easter, as well as during the
months of June, July and August. - Provide and coordinate music at all special services, including Weddings and
Funerals held within the Church if requested. (Fees paid by the families.) The
services of other Organists may be used only with the permission of the
Minister of Music. - Manage the Music Budget and be responsible for the purchase of all
necessary music and music supplies. - Be responsible for the use, condition, and scheduled maintenance needs of
the Church’s musical equipment including the organ and piano. The Church
shall provide funds for the proper care of these instruments in the Music
Budget. - Attend meetings of the Ministry of Worship and Spiritual Care and Music
Committee as requested. - Write the yearly Music Summary for the Annual Report.
Salary and Benefits:
- Salary in a range of $20,000-$24,000, commensurate with experience and
duties performed. - Twelve (12) Paid Time Off (PTO) days during the year (maximum of 8
Sundays). - Reimbursement for professional expenses, negotiated annually, such as:
attendance at Church Music Conferences, workshops, other forms of
continuing Education and AGO Professional dues.
Contact Information: Please submit resume and letter of interest to
Tel: (207) 883-2312
February 24, 2025